Writings — bareroot
Growing for Root Structure

Taproots are the umbilical cords of the tree world. They serve as a lifeline from day one as a tree seed sprouts, growing straight down or shifting course slightly as minor obstacles are encountered. As the root tip encounters an inhospitable environment that it can’t avoid (too wet, too dry, too high pH, etc.), it’s growth stops. Root buds sprout and develop higher up, many near the soil surface. These new root branches, horizontally growing and radiating outwards from the trunk, become the framework for the permanent root architecture that will influence the trees survival until it’s old age. Now...
About Bareroot Planting

Why bareroot? Historically, it’s a strange question to ask. Before the emergence of widespread plastics, trees and shrubs were almost exclusively dug and moved during their dormancy. Because of the enormous weight of the soil surrounding roots, it makes sense to just shake it off and move the plant. It is the most energetically efficient way to plant. There also happens to be huge benefits to growing trees and shrubs in-ground, instead of plastic pots. Imagine you wore high heels daily and never took your shoes off—do you think the bone structure of your feet would be healthy after a...